OKAY! Firstly and fore-mostly.
I have officially finished my PoA tuition homework.
Praise me. Christian God, in your face!
Okay. So I went to school a bit too damned early.
Imba. So watched Muster Parade a bit.
Then went off to the Choir Booth.
They were still setting up so I went to the fitness corner.
Slack for awhile then went off to watch the PDS by NCC and NPCC.
Sad. Got malu for NPCC PDS. But other than that. Quite nice.
NCC was better in choice of music though.
Loved the first song that played.
Then after that went to practice for performance.
The Accapella practiced first. Then after that, brushed up on some errors.
After that went to the hall for mic check.
Then went off to Canteen to practice a bit more.
Went up to perform after that.
We were nicely accepted. Yay~
After that went off to play Basket ball for awhile.
Followed by slack session around the Drama Booth.
Then went off with Drama peeps with lunch.
Eat already then check phone.
Oh. My. _______. God.
6 missed calls from Dad, Home and younger sister.
Called Dad then he scream at me.
Tell me go home.
Imba. So I went off with Eugene to MRT.
Did a bit of POA in the MRT then finished the rest at home.
Grrr. I can only say, ____ you ______.
You irritating fool. Of all songs.
Why so imba and choose ____________?!!
You ___. Well. Whatever. It's finally over.
I need to learn dancing from Lucas now.
For the CNY project.
Once again. Imba.
Crap. Sure die already.
Whatever la. Tsk.
Shall just get this over and done with.
Now playing:
Hardcore Feelings - Rave Allstarsvia FoxyTunes