Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Been studying like crazy for the past few days with frenzied bouts of me failing some of the exams pathetically. I pray it's not a sign. I swear, Syafiq's voice was so distinct that when this bus passed by noisily, I could still hear him! Major surprise. anyway, Humphrey told me this joke.

A man and a whore were in a hotel room.
While they were stripping, the whore saw the guy's ****.
She then proceeded to say, "Hey! I used to have on of those!"

Brion was like, shocked for a moment and then went, "Whoa! That is ***ed up!"
I'm gonna get notes from my god-mothers tomorrow. Kinda interesting, and I'm hoping it'll help me pass geog, E maths and POA.

WTF! I'm starting to show interest in chinese! YEAYYY! I'm so gonna pass! Yes people! I AM INTERESTED IN CHINESE! Alright. I'm gonna post a single pic of some game or anime that'll be my Pic of the Day for every post from now onwards!

Pic of the Day

Axel; The flurry of Flames. Number VIII.

Oh yeah. Happy One Month Anniversary to both of us! <33


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